We are very proud of our Quality Standard Holders.
Next to each organisation's logo are details of the scope of the Quality Standard each attained and the date this was awarded to them.
Although it is a condition of RAN Membership, not all of our Members have yet achieved the RAN Quality Standard, but will be working towards that Standard.
Each organisation is re-assessed on a regular basis, with the date they passed their last assessment shown here.
In 2020, the RAN Board, in consultation with our Members, agreed to revise the Quality Standard to V3, to also include the assessment of delivery of Information and Advice services remotely, from volunteers' and workers' homes, and/or by remote means such as online or by video. This revised Standard is now being used as the basis of our assessment.
Age UK Berkshire were awarded their Certificate on 21st June 2019.
This was awarded for signposting, providing assisted information, giving advice and doing casework.
Age UK Reading were awarded their Certificate on 12th April 2019.
This was awarded for signposting, providing assisted information and giving advice.
British Red Cross were awarded their Certificate on 26th September 2018.
This was awarded for signposting, providing assisted information, giving advice and doing casework.
Citizens Advice Reading were re-awarded their Certificate on the 20th July 2022.
This was awarded for signposting, providing assisted information, giving advice and doing casework.
CommuniCare were re-awarded their Certificate on the 9th November 2022.
This was awarded for signposting, providing assisted information and giving advice.
Dingley’s Promise were re-awarded their Certificate on the 20th July 2022.
This was awarded for signposting, providing assisted information, giving advice and doing casework.
Graft Thames Valley were awarded their Certificate on 26th September 2018.
This was awarded for signposting, providing assisted information, giving advice and doing casework.
Launchpad were awarded their Certificate on 21st June 2019.
This was awarded for Drop-In signposting and assisted information work.
PACT were awarded their certificate on 9th November 2022.
This was awarded for signposting, providing assisted information, giving advice and doing casework.
Reading Mencap were awarded their Certificate on 23rd June 2018.
This was awarded for signposting, providing assisted information, giving advice and doing casework.
Reading Refugee Support Group were awarded their Certificate on 10th October 2020.
This was awarded for signposting, providing assisted information, giving advice and doing casework.
Reading University Students' Union were awarded their Certificate on 16th March 2023.
This was awarded for signposting, providing assisted information, giving advice and doing casework.
Reading Welfare Rights were awarded their Certificate on 16th March 2023.
This was awarded for signposting, providing assisted information, giving advice and doing casework.